QTIBIA Engineering offers services and training that enable intelligent and beautiful maps creation.
We implement Open-Source GIS that are open, performant, scalable and secure, with technico-economic viability.
We can help you with the development of your Desktop, Server, Web and Mobile GIS.
Moreover, you can count on us for advanced spatial analysis and cartography.
Why choose us?
At QTIBIA Engineering we invest back into the open-source geospatial community from where we emerged.
We bring our social contribution by doing pro-bono sponsorships, code, documentation, translations and workshops for the software we're based on:
QGIS, Postgis, Geoserver, QWAT, QGEP etc.
So, by investing in us, you're also helping with these contributions and consequently help improve the Open-Source GIS ecosystems.
QTIBIA is an official QGIS sponsor, also managing to sponsor other development campains:

QTIBIA members regulary attend national and international code-sprints / hackfests or workshops. In Romania, you can usually find us presenting and doing workshops at the geo spatial meetings organized by Geo-Spațial.org and the diverse hosting universities.